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Context and Facts

In view of the objectives defined by Cop 21 in Paris, and the destructive climatic phenomena that are accelerating at an exponential rate, the need to substantially reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the first of them, CO2, goes beyond the definition of a "major priority" in 2021, to move unabated towards the absolute necessity of reducing these emissions. 

In addition to measures aimed at improving energy efficiency, it is essential to set up an "end to end" supply chain, traced without any possible dispute, going from capture to sequestration of CO2 (CCS) or to its industrial recovery (CCU).

Global warming

Whether it is through the IEA, the IPCC or other organizations, the observation is the same : the increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere has direct consequences on the climate, biodiversity, agriculture, population migrations, pandemics and health, sea levels, ...


We must keep in mind that energy needs will grow by 41% by 2035 (Source Outlook/BP).

CO2 Offset

A CO2 permit is a "right to pollute", which is exchanged between industrial companies that emit massive amounts of CO2, whether they are volunteer or subject to regulation, and which offset their emissions by buying permits or by carrying out actions that have a positive impact on the climate.
We can also observe citizen attitudes on the part of companies that do not emit CO2 directly but voluntarily compensate for indirect emissions linked to the activities of their employees. 

Anthropic CO2

Human activity is currently producing nearly three times more CO2 than in 1970 and if we continue on this trend, in 2050 we will produce twice as much as today, according to the most pessimistic estimates of the International Energy Agency (IEA).
To reduce emissions by half, without changing our behavior, we would have to invest €45,000 billion in infrastructure and dedicated technologies.
It will be necessary to adapt and to make investments that will lead to a significant reduction of greenhouse gases (GHG). We CO2track allows a concrete and certifiable control to ensure a drastic reduction of CO2 in 2050 (-75% compared to "business-as-usual" scenarios)
The international organizations whose mission is to evaluate the evolution of the climate are alerting and calling for major rapid changes: improvement of energy efficiency, development of renewable energies and capture of CO2 and its sequestration on a very large scale (more than a dozen GT per year in 2050).


CO2 Financial Market

During the first two phases of implementation of the CO2 permit systems, the market was supported by large volumes of free allowances, the number of which was regularly reduced, but not enough to avoid a collapse of the trading price.


In addition, two factors led to the explosion of these markets, amplified by a huge collective VAT " fraud " (involving billions of euros for Europe only). The lack of coupling between physical CO2 flows and fiduciary CO2 securities (quotas, permits, penalties, ....) has allowed this fraud to continue for an excessive period of time.



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